Dr. Dittus is the Director of the Dalcroze™ School of the Rockies and the Program Director of the Dalcroze™ Academy at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. Dalcroze Eurhythmics is music learning by incorporating the basic elements of rhythm, melody, and harmony—with body movement.
Jeremy Dittus enjoys a career as a pianist, theorist, and Dalcroze eurhythmics instructor. An avid recitalist, he has performed solo and chamber programs and presented Dalcroze masterclasses throughout the United States, Europe and South East Asia. He currently directs the Dalcroze School of the Rockies Dalcroze Academy teacher-training center at Metropolitan State University of Denver. A former lecturer in piano, theory, and solfège at the Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory in Cleveland, he also has taught undergraduate solfège, piano, and composition courses at the University of Colorado at Boulder as well as eurhythmics and solfège at L’Institut Jaques- Dalcroze in Geneva, Switzerland and Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Dr. Dittus is the founder and director of the Dalcroze School of the Rockies in Denver, Colorado, the only authorized Dalcroze training center west of Pittsburgh in the United States. The DSR offers Eurhythmics classes for children (pre-kindergarten through high school), adult enrichment classes, and full time study toward the Dalcroze Certificate/License (eurhythmics, solfège, improvisation, pedagogy, and plastique animée). Additionally, he has presented Dalcroze workshops at home and abroad including the World Piano Conference, International Early Childhood Music and Movement Convention, Singapore International String Conference, L’Institut Jaques-Dalcroze Cours d’Été, Dalcroze Society of America National Conference, Suzuki Association of the Americas National Conference, American Orff-Schulwerk Association NationalConvention, National Flute Convention, Colorado Music Educators Association State Convention, Piano Celebration at Metro-State University in Denver, University of Louisville Piano Institute, in addition to several summer music institutes, universities, and conservatories across the US. He also serves on the state board for the Colorado Federation of Music Clubs and functions as the Vice President of the Dalcroze Society of America. He recently has published books on Dalcroze Education: Embodying Music: A Textbook for Dalcroze Teacher Training, and five books that correspond to the Rhythmic-Solfège youth program in place at the Dalcroze School of the Rockies.
In 2010, Dr. Dittus earned the Diplôme Supérieur, (a doctoral equivalent in Switzerland) from L’Institut Jaques-Dalcroze in conjunction with La Haute École de Musique de Genève and Le Conservatoire de Musique de Genève. While in Geneva, he received top honors including the 2009 Prix pour les qualities musicales exceptionnelles and the 2010 Prix pour les qualités artistiques et pédagogiques exceptionnelles. Before Switzerland, he had the honor of studying at the Longy School of Music for the Dalcroze Certificate and License. He completed a doctorate of musical arts in piano performance from the University of Colorado at Boulder; for the master of music, he studied piano performance and music theory at the Cincinnati College- Conservatory of Music. During his undergraduate work, he obtained bachelor degrees in piano performance and chemistry. Former teachers include Lisa Parker, Anne Farber, Ruth Gianadda, Marie-Laure Bachmann, Sylvia del Bianco, Sylvie Morgenegg, Laurent Sourisse, Andrew Cooperstock, Michael Chertock, Frank Weinstock, and George Cherry. Click Here to Download Bio
Please complete registration worksheet for your instrument and apply through teacher. The Dalcroze Eurythmics class is offered separately or as a package with an instrument Play Down session. The application process begins September 1. Teachers will register all students. Register early to secure placement. Class sizes are limited.
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